Sustainable Living with Smart Devices
How connected gadgets and smart devices can help you save money and lessen environmental impact.
How connected gadgets and smart devices can help you save money and lessen environmental impact.
Your step-by-step guide to transforming your house into a smart home, using the right technology for your needs and home.
The latest in what’s new, what’s outdated and what to forgo.
Using your smartphone to help create a perfect, Pinterest-worthy room is only a few taps away.
Home life has never been easier or more enjoyable with these streamlined systems.
Lakeshore Living presents…nine essential tips for handling closet chaos, bringing in organization and keeping the clutter at bay.
“Smart” appliances help create a more efficient home life. Advance your kitchen with this new smart technology.
By Maura Keller
We’ve all felt it—that shudder of fear upon hearing a strange noise, seeing a fleeting shadow or discovering an unlocked door or window in your home. As a homeowner, you are likely to be concerned about your property’s security and your family’s safety. For the majority of homeowners, today’s technology puts affordable home smart security options within your reach, and puts your valuables beyond the reach of criminals.
By Maura Keller
Imagine living in a house where your drapes draw themselves at sunset and open at sunrise, and your home’s heating and lighting adjust automatically based on your daily activities. Or better yet, on a blustery, snowy day, imagine using an app on your mobile phone to tell your house to turn up the thermostat four degrees and turn on the driveway defroster.